A simple  serial AVR-JTAG

Since the original AVR-JTAG ist quite expensive there are a few designs (clones) on the Internet.
I found the “Evertool-Light” design to be neat and suitable for me.
In order to design a relatively small single-sided circuit-board, all based on DIP-devices (what a controversy!), I altered the design a little.

Schematics of the JTAG. Click to enlarge and to open in a new tab.

On their website you will find the bootloader and detailed instructions how to get the bootloader into the AVR Microcontroller.
Since I have the Kanda STK200 Starterkit there was no need for me place an ISP on the design.
Furthermore the altered AVR-JTAG has its own power-supply.
The design is actually the old AVR-JTAG (some call it MK I) which is connected to the Computer by a 1:1 serial cable.
It is speedy enough to get some real debugging on the road and works flawlessly with the Atmel Studio 4 development environment.